So this year has started off rather well.
Pretty psyched about having been able to work with Benefit Cosmetics again.
I love their aesthetics and their ethos. Working with companies like this really put the fun back in cosmetics!
I'm happy to be part of launching their new POREfessional Hydrate primer on their UK socials and website.
Visit their IG @benefitcosmeticsuk
Although as I've aged I've been lucky enough to have a relatively controllable skin. Sixteen-year-old me would have been absolutely gobsmacked if she knew that one day she'd land jobs because of it.
As a teenager, I suffered heavily from acne. It felt like an endless uphill battle of skincare, diets and old wives tales. I was recommended numerous topical treatment by my GP. None of which worked. Later I found out it was due to a hormonal imbalance and I was prescribed contraceptive pills. This actually worked to help balance out my hormones and within a couple of months, my skin was clear as a blue sky in summer. After years of being on it, I eventually had the courage to come off it and luckily didn't face repercussions.
Prepping for this shoot I had my wonderful aesthetician Olga give me a dermapen facial. This was about a week before the shoot to let my skin recover. Just to give me that extra touch of glow I knew I'd need. I drank a litre of water every day that same week up until the shoot and avoided anything that usually sets off my skin like cheese and oily food. My usual routine of wearing SPF 50 or 30 (yes even on gloomy days I wear it), moisturiser and anti-blemish are also part of the mix.
Skincare has become such a huge part of my lifestyle and coming from a place where I felt like it was impossible to ever recover from, this is something that will always feel surreal.
It's not to say that everything can be solved by expensive facials or contraceptive pills but a good healthy diet and lots of water really makes a difference too.
On the day of the shoot, I think I really had a moment to realise how grateful I am to be in a position where sixteen-year-old me would have never even thought was possible.
You can watch the final video below and let me know what you guys think!